11 May 2011

From Chickies to Peeps...

We have a picture of me and my sister from when we were kiddos in Gabriel's room by his bed.  I love it and some nights as I'm telling him who all loves him before saying good night, I include his aunts and uncles as well as parents and grandparents (Mommy loves you, Daddy loves you, ...).

Here's a video with a very special audience... Gabey's Auntie P!  The visual quality is the pits but I captured my little fellow as we were saying good night the other night with a special message.

So basically you have to come visit soon so he will be able to tell his Aunt P night-night in person.  :D

Love you, Sissy!


  1. :( I still can't see the video... Tell Gabey that Aunt P is coming to spend the night soon! Love you!

  2. OMG! It came through! I'll be saying goodnight to Gabey tomorrow! Can't wait! Love you!
